Monday, October 11, 2010


6 Public teenager suicides have happened in the past month.
6 Public Gay Teenagers have killed themselves in the past month.

Ages raging from 13-19, I'm 19, I have nieces and nephews of the age of 13, and one that's 16, they are so young and so full of life, not even done with high school. Some not even done with Jr.High.

Things that these kids lose with their life:
First love
First Kisses (some)
And just life in general.

People find it their duty to push their beliefs down the throats of the innocent because they listen. Kids listen because we have to; if an adult is talking you gotta listen. So while these kids are pumped full of hate the hate eats them away from the inside, until they die.

Or maybe, it's some other 13 year old trying to show off how cool he is by throwing around some words his daddy taught him. Let's call the gay kid a fag, show him who’s the boss, beat the shit out of him; beat the gay out of him. No, you beat the will out of him.

God says it's a sin, you take it as your personal soap box to make this City a living hell, make your home into a Lake of Fire. You can't hug when your arms are charred.

Now, think about this 1 and every 4 persons are gay. 30% of the gay community suffer depression or from suicide. GLBT teens are more likely to use drugs, alcohol, and sex than "normal" teenagers.

I have 6 nieces and nephews, there's a chance one of them could be gay, and there's a chance one can die because of this world.

It seems today that being gay is almost like signing a death certificate.

Before I close, if there was no religion would there be so much hate? Would there be so much intolerance?

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